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Certificate for Registration of the Authority to Solemnize Marriage (CRASM)

Certificate for Registration of the Authority to Solemnize Marriage (CRASM) is being issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) to the Solemnizing Officer. The said Certificate serves as their license to officiate weddings in the Philippines bound by Law- Family Code of the Philippines. 

A solemnizing officer must not officiate any wedding if his CRASM has already expired, otherwise, the marriage maybe considered null and void unless otherwise declared by the Court as valid. But can you imagine all the hassles, time, and money being wasted? So might as well be sure first before the wedding. 

It will be very important for any couple to ask, politely, of course, their officiant about his CRASM because he might have missed renewing it :)

Why it is needed?

If you will notice in your Marriage Contract the Certification number of SO's CRASM must appear and the Civil Registry where the wedding took place must have verified the Certification Number before forwarding the Marriage Contract to the Philippine Statistics Authority or PSA. 

Anyway securing CRASM should not be the burden of any couple,  but for the purpose of educating couples before their marriage; I think this little issue must be considered. As Solemnizing Officers it must be their obligation to make sure that their CRASM is up to date. Cheers!

Now if you are a Solemnizing Officer what are the things you need to secure a CRASM?

Below is the list!

From: Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 2007.
7.4 Requirements for Registration

The SOs whose religion or religious sect are deemed operating in the Philippines and in good repute are required to register their authority to solemnize marriage with the CRG Article 3 of the Family Code shall comply with the following:
  1. Accomplished application form (OCRG-SO Form No. !)  in triplicate copies, subscribe and sworn under oath before a person authorized to administer oath with affixed documentary stamp;
  1. Three copies of colored ID pictures (2X2) with white backgrounds were taken not more than a month ago from the date of application. Pictures should not be computer generated to preserve their quality. In cases the person is using glasses, it should be removed to have a clear image of the person. The back of the ID picture should contain the signature of the applicant;
  1. A machine copy of appointment as a priest, head, founder, bishop, pastor, and minister of the religion or religious sect;
  1. Proper endorsement/designation/recommendation from the head of religion or a religious sect to mention: the full name, nationality, complete address, location of the church, temple, or mosque where the applicant regularly performs rites, and indicate the extent of his territorial jurisdiction;
  1. Proof of attendance in an orientation seminar conducted by NSO for SOs;
  1. Certified True Copy of Certificate of Live Birth;
  1. I-Card issued by the Commission Immigration and Deportation (CID), in case the applicant is a citizen of a foreign country;
  1. Certified True Copy of Certificate of Ordination issued by his/her respective church;
  1. Payment of registration fee;
  1. Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporations and by-laws, and updated General Information Sheet (G.I.S.) certified by the Head of the Religion or religious sect.
For Heads/Bishop/Presidents/Founders, the following requirements are required in addition to requirement 7.4.a ton 7.4i above:

  1. Endorsement or recommendation from the Board of Trustees/Directors or Church Council.
  1. In case there is no Board of Trustees/Directors, the head/bishop/president/founder of the religion/religious sect shall submit a sworn statement duly notarized.
  1. A sworn statement containing a brief history of the religion/religious sect and the list of 200 bona fide active members stating therein their complete address and signed by the members.
  1. A certified Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation and by-laws, and updated General Information Sheet (G.I.S.) issued by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC).
Additional requirements which N.S.O. office sometimes requires to be submitted for new applicants include the following:

1. Birth Certificate of the applicant (N.S.O. Certified);
2. If married women clergy, Marriage Certificate (N.S.O. Certified)


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